There are several ways to save water. Conserving water means using our water supply wisely and be responsible. As every individual depends on water for livelihood, we must learn how to keep our limited supply of water pure and away from pollution. Keeping our water supply safe and pure will protect the water for the generations to come. Currently, fresh water is already limited as it is. Out of the 70% of the water that is available, only 0.03% is made up of fresh water. Every day, the population beings to increase, making the already limited amount of water much less. In order to save our future of water preservation, we must learn to conserve what limited resources we have.
Irrigation Method:
Smart water management is not just about how water is delivered but also when, how often, and how much. To avoid under or over watering their crops, farmers carefully monitor the weather forecast, as well as soil and plant moisture, and adapt their irrigation schedule to the current conditions. Tory Farms, which uses flood irrigation in their orchards, waters at night to slow down evaporation, allowing water to seep down into the soil and replenish the water table.
On-site reuse:
Using on-site technology or recycling systems, the water is used in large spaces, including malls, commercial hubs, hotels among others, water can be recycled for reuse. This technology is being adopted across countries, including India. Using this technology one could recycle the water into potable water, gray water or black water depending on what the structure needs the most. Largely, commercial structures need gray water and black water for toilets, showers, laundry and cooking.
Gray Water:
Gray water is the water that has been used once, but is not contaminated so much that is cannot be used again for purposes other than drinking water. For example, water used to wash hands, clothes or dishes are all sources of gray water. An excellent use for gray water is irrigation of non-edible plants. Gray water use is increasing in popularity and there are several levels of sophistication for creating systems to capture and use the water that will fit your specific situation.
Reuse of Dehumider water:
For those of us that have dehumidifiers we know this is an excellent source of water. Since it usually comes from damp basements, reusing it to water your plants and lawn is a perfect alternative rather than wasting it by dumping it down the drain or toilet.
Water Footprint:
A significant way to decrease your water footprint is to know how many gallons of water the food you eat consumes. While this might seem a bit difficult at first, you’ll get the hang of it and can put it to good use when you’re at the grocery store or eating in a restaurant. For example, beef consumes way more water than chicken and mangos consume more water than nectarines.
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Tags: Water Saving Methods, Save Water, Ecobuzz, Water Saving awareness, Water saving measures, Water Management, Source of Water, Water Saving, Water preservation, Fresh Water