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  ECOSYSTEM   An ecosystem is any place where a group of organisms live as a community in conjunction with the non-living components of the environment as a system. It is no different from our human community where every citizen of a city relies on its own...

Water Conservation Speech

Introduction: The water conservation as a whole shall always be known as the time in which the conservation is given utmost importance- the fact is that in day to day life, water conservation often takes a back seat until it becomes a necessity such as the water in...
Water Conservation Resources

Water Conservation Resources

Introduction: The water conservation resources are those that are used to conserve water or can be used to conserve water. These consist of several things such as reservoirs, tanks, water storage vessels, water purifiers among other things. They can be used in...
Water Saving Methods

Water Saving Methods

Introduction: There are several ways to save water. Conserving water means using our water supply wisely and be responsible. As every individual depends on water for livelihood, we must learn how to keep our limited supply of water pure and away from pollution....